Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Just when you think the Kardashians can't get any stupider, they release a book called "Konfidential".

Now I will spare them my rant about their ridiculous use of the letter "k"; its not appropriate to continuously stick it into places, plus no one really likes "k" that much. 

Regardless of their ignorance of spelling, do they actually think anyone will buy this crap?

Aside from the fact that in the right lighting, with the right styling, and of course a flawless tan, they are sometimes attractive...who seriously cares about this talentless trio anymore?  I know I certainly don't.  Not only that, what could there possibly be left to say about them that we don't know?!  Their lives are constantly being broadcast on E!, TMZ, and every other trashy venue out there.  Not to mention they have the most shallow, one dimmensional personalities out there, so its really not like it gets any deeper with this family.  So what on earth could this book have to say?  

From the looks of the tacky cover, I'd say they made it in about 3 hours with the help of MS Paint.  It's looking like its a hop, skip, and a jump away from being as good as Paris Hilton's latest "novel", and that's saying a lot.

So my message to you Kardashian Klan (ya I did it) is to stop, for your own good, just stop.  And reacquaint yourself with the English language, specifically the letter "c".  Thanks.


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