Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lindsay Lindsay Lindsay

It's Official: Lindsay has officially entered a live-in rehab facility in Los Angeles County.  The 24 year old starlet checked into a So-Cal rehab facility late Monday evening and is expected to stay there until her October 22nd hearing, which will determine whether or not LaLohan has to return to jail.

With all this Lindsay talk, a very interesting article has surfaced, titled "If Lindsay Lohan is 'Pathetic', Then So Am I: What It Feels Like For a Drug Addict".  The article takes a very interesting look at Linds' struggle, noting that her behavior really isn't that out of character for a recovering drug addict and that the media's treatment of the situation is down right wrong.

"Does Lindsay really “want” to get better? I don’t know, nobody knows that but Lindsay, and certainly Perez Hilton doesn’t — although that doesn’t stop him from scrawling “LOST CAUSE” over a LiLo photograph.

We act like kicking a drug addiction is easy. It isn’t easy.

I know this, because I’ve been there."

I have to say, I somewhat agree with the article. While I definitely don't agree with celebrities getting any sort of special treatment when the screw up (as Miss Lohan clearly has), I think that the media's constant deprecation of this young woman is completely wrong. When some one is in such a trying time, the last thing they need is everyone in the world offering throwing negative, degrading comments their way.

So in honor of this article, I say we all should just leave Lindsay alone!


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